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“Small caliber?” I said. “How small?”

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"Этаж смерти" with W_cat

"Этаж смерти" with W_cat

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The guy ducked under a Perspex hood and made a call. Ducked back out again and shouted over to me.

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Then he pulled the phone book out of a drawer. Opened it to H. Looked up Hubble’s number on Beckman Drive. Dialed it and got the same result. A lot of ring tone and nobody home. Then he tried the mobile number. An electronic voice started to tell him the phone was switched off. He hung up before it finished.

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“Good boy,” the big guy said. “You paid the tax.”

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“So Morrison was inside the same scam as Hubble?” he said.

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Then I ducked back inside and tried Hubble’s number again. No reply. I showered and dressed. Roscoe had a small shower stall, the head set low, feminine soaps in the dish. I found a towel in a closet and a comb on a vanity. No razor. I put my clothes on and rinsed out the coffee mug. Tried Hubble’s number again from the kitchen phone. I let it ring for a long time. Nobody home. I figured I’d get a ride up there from Roscoe after lunch. This thing wasn’t going to wait forever. I relocked the back door and went out the front.

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