Цитата #243 из книги «"Этаж смерти" with W_cat»

“Finlay, what the hell are you talking about?” I said. “I haven’t got a phone. Don’t you listen? I don’t live anywhere.”

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"Этаж смерти" with W_cat

"Этаж смерти" with W_cat

Еще цитаты из книги «"Этаж смерти" with W_cat»

We all fell quiet. I was thinking about the second guy’s desperate sprint across the road. Trying to reach cover while the bullets smashed into his flesh. Hurling himself under the highway ramp and dying amid the quiet scuffling of the small night animals.

Просмотров: 8

I told him no, I enjoyed it. I told him I appreciated the solitude, the anonymity. Like I was invisible.

Просмотров: 5

“Who’s the guy in the truck?” I said.

Просмотров: 5

“OK, guys, let’s hit the road,” Baker said.

Просмотров: 5

“But how much cash does he have?” the guy asked me.

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