Цитата #546 из книги «"Этаж смерти" with W_cat»

“They’re broken, fat boy,” I said. “Give me yours.”

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"Этаж смерти" with W_cat

"Этаж смерти" with W_cat

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“No talking,” he said. “Rules here say absolute silence at all times after lights out. Cell at the end on the right.”

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“A brother up in D.C.,” I said. “Works for the Treasury Department.”

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“So long,” he said. “Don’t come back.”

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“OK, briefly,” the pathologist said. “I found certain persuasive factors. A sedentary job, because his musculature was slack, his posture poor, flabby buttocks. Slightly rough hands, a fair bit of old diesel fuel ingrained in the skin. Also traces of old diesel fuel on the soles of his shoes. Internally, a poor diet, high in fat, plus a bit too much hydrogen sulfide in the blood gases and the tissues. This guy spent his life on the road, sniffing other people’s catalytic converters. I make him a truck driver, because of the diesel fuel.”

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We checked everywhere. There was nobody in the house. No damage. No disturbance. Nothing was stolen. The stereo was still there, the TV was still there. Roscoe checked her closet. The police revolver was still on her belt. She checked her drawers and her bureau. Nothing had been touched. Nothing had been searched. Nothing was missing. We stood back in the hallway and looked at each other. Then I noticed something that had been left behind.

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