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“This is the way Chief Morrison wants it,” he said. “He’s calling it a done deal. Closing us down for the weekend. And he’s the boss man, right?”

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"Этаж смерти" with W_cat

"Этаж смерти" with W_cat

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“His name is Sherman,” he said. “Apart from that, no idea.”

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“Yes, Mr. Hubble,” Finlay said. “I’m right here. Can’t find any problem at all, sir. Just a false alarm, I guess. Thank you for your help.”

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“I’m not looking for a buddy down here,” I said.

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“Well, like I say, you’re not wearing the orange suit,” he said.

Просмотров: 5

“I need to find out what he knows about all this,” he said. “This is serious shit and he knows something about it, that’s for damn sure. What did he tell you about it, Reacher?”

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