Цитата #1266 из книги «"Этаж смерти" with W_cat»

“Christ,” he said. “You think the next chief will be in the scam?”

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"Этаж смерти" with W_cat

"Этаж смерти" with W_cat

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The seventeenth floor looked even more like a gentleman’s club than the entrance foyer had. It was carpeted and paneled and dim. Full of glowing antiques and old pictures. As I waded across the thick pile a door opened and a suit stepped out to meet me. Shook my hand and fussed me back into a little anteroom. He introduced himself as some sort of a manager and we sat down.

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“Glad I caught you,” he said. “Sergeant Baker has brought me up to date on the warehouse homicides. It all seems pretty clear to me. We made a clumsy mistake in apprehending you, and we’re all very sorry indeed about your brother, and we’ll certainly let you know just as soon as we get to any conclusions. So before you get on your way, I’d be grateful if you’d kindly accept my apology on behalf of this department. I wouldn’t want you to take away a bad impression of us. May we just call it a mistake?”

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I just slowly shook my head at her.

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The third guy waded in. He was a solid mountain of lard. Sheathed with heavy slabs of meat. Like armor. Nowhere to hit him. He was pounding me with short jabs to the arm and chest. I was jammed back between two sinks. The mountain of lard pressing up. Nowhere to hit him. Except his eyes. I jammed my thumb into his eye. Hooked the tips of my fingers in his ear and squeezed. My thumbnail popped his eyeball sideways. I pushed my thumb in. His eyeball was nearly out. He was screaming and pulling on my wrist. I held on.

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“No statements,” he said. “I’ll ask the questions and you’ll answer them. You’re Jack-none-Reacher. No address. No ID. What are you, a vagrant?”

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