Цитата #793 из книги «"Этаж смерти" with W_cat»

I shook my head. Finished my coffee and pushed the mug over for a refill.

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"Этаж смерти" with W_cat

"Этаж смерти" with W_cat

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Not in their town, and not for a long time, anyway.

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“You both are,” he said. “Reacher and Hubble, released by order of the Margrave PD. Be ready in five minutes, OK?”

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It was the first time I’d spoken since ordering breakfast. Now Baker was the one who looked grateful. He rapped twice on the door and it was unlocked from the outside. He opened it up and signaled me through. Stevenson was waiting with his back to the large open area. The shotgun was gone. The backup crew was gone. Things were calming down. They formed up, one on each side. Baker gripped my elbow, lightly. We walked down the side of the open area and came to a door at the back. Stevenson pushed it open and we walked through into a large office. Lots of rosewood all over it.

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“OK,” Picard said to me. “I got all the details from Finlay. Real sorry about your brother, my friend. Real sorry. Somewhere we can talk?”

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I shrugged and nodded. Stood up and looked at them both.

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