Цитата #877 из книги «"Этаж смерти" with W_cat»

“What can I tell you folks?” he said.

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"Этаж смерти" with W_cat

"Этаж смерти" with W_cat

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Teale was watching so I got up and kissed her hair. Went out into the afternoon and headed for the Bentley. The sun was dropping away and the heat was gone. Shadows were lengthening up. Felt like the fall was on its way. Behind me I heard a shout. Mayor Teale had followed me out of the building. He called me back. I stayed where I was. Made him come to me. He limped over, tapping his cane, smiling. Stuck out his hand and introduced himself. Said his name was Grover Teale. He had that politician’s knack of fixing you with a look and a smile like a searchlight. Like he was thrilled to bits just to be talking to me.

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Finlay nodded. Considered my answer.

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Finlay leaned right back. Grunted. Did the steepled fingers thing again. He gazed at me and exhaled. Sat forward. Pointed a finger at me.

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“OK,” she said. “You got no other ideas at all why Joe was down here?”

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“No,” I said. “We found it very hard to keep in touch, I’m afraid. You’ll have to start from the beginning for me.”

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