Цитата #1473 из книги «"Этаж смерти" with W_cat»

“Wrong, Spivey,” I said. “You do know. You’re going to tell me.”

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"Этаж смерти" with W_cat

"Этаж смерти" with W_cat

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LIKE EVERYTHING ELSE IN MARGRAVE, THE BARBERSHOP looked wonderful. It gleamed with ancient chairs and fittings lovingly polished and maintained. It had the kind of barbershop gear everybody tore out thirty years ago. Now everybody wants it back. They pay a fortune for it because it re-creates the way people want America to look. The way they think it used to look. It’s certainly the way I thought it used to look. I would sit in some schoolyard in Manila or Munich and imagine green lawns and trees and flags and a gleaming chrome barbershop like this one.

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“Well, yes what, Granddad?” I grinned back.

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“No doubt about it,” the guy said. “Hypostasis is clear in both corpses.”

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“What time do you finish?” I said.

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I was going to finish his business. Whatever it was. Whatever it took. That was the decision I had made in her warm bed that morning. But she was a police officer. She was sworn to uphold all kinds of laws. Laws that were designed to get in my way. I didn’t know what to say. But she didn’t wait for me to say anything.

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