Цитата #186 из книги «"Этаж смерти" with W_cat»

“General duties, initially,” I said. “That’s the system. Then I handled secrets security for five years. Then the last six years, I handled something else.”

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"Этаж смерти" with W_cat

"Этаж смерти" with W_cat

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“Well, yes indeed.” He grinned. He had no teeth. “Well, yes indeed.”

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“Didn’t make me feel like anything,” I said. “Made me feel like I was in the army, and now I’m not in the army.”

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“Just tell me what happened,” I said.

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“You told me there was a pyramid system, right?” I said. “The top ten, then the top hundred, then the top thousand, all the way down, right?”

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Inside it was cool again. Everything was white and chrome. Lights were fluorescent. It looked like a bank or an insurance office. There was carpet. A desk sergeant stood behind a long reception counter. The way the place looked, he should have said: how may I help you, sir? But he said nothing. He just looked at me. Behind him was a huge open-plan space. A dark-haired woman in uniform was sitting at a wide, low desk. She had been doing paperwork on a keyboard. Now she was looking at me. I stood there, an officer on each elbow. Stevenson was backed up against the reception counter. His shotgun was pointed at me. Baker stood there, looking at me. The desk sergeant and the woman in uniform were looking at me. I looked back at them.

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