Цитата #178 из книги «"Этаж смерти" with W_cat»

“Do you feel bitter?” he said. “Let down?”

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"Этаж смерти" with W_cat

"Этаж смерти" with W_cat

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Stevenson spoke to the desk sergeant. He became agitated. The desk sergeant put a hand on Stevenson’s arm. Stevenson shook it off and ran toward the rosewood office. He dodged desks like a football player. As he got to the office door it opened. A crowd came out. Chief Morrison. Finlay. And Baker, holding Hubble by the elbow. A light but efficient grip, the same as he’d used on me. Stevenson stared blankly at Hubble and then grabbed Finlay by the arm. Pulled him back into the office. Morrison swiveled his sweating bulk and followed them in. The door slammed. Baker walked Hubble over toward me.

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Eno’s came into sight. The polished aluminum siding gleamed in the sun. Roscoe’s Chevrolet was in the lot. Standing next to it on the gravel was the black pickup I’d seen the day before outside the coffee shop. I reached the diner and pushed in through the door. I had been prodded out through it on Friday with Stevenson’s shotgun pointed at my gut. I had been in handcuffs. I wondered if the diner people would remember me. I figured they probably would. Margrave was a very quiet place. Not a whole lot of strangers passing through.

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Then he passed the phone back to the doctor and rocked back on his stool. He had the beginnings of a smile on his face.

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“What should I tell Teale?” he said.

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“I can hear you OK,” the voice said.

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