Цитата #836 из книги «"Этаж смерти" with W_cat»

“Finlay,” she said. “He was up there this morning, poking around, looking for something to help us with the first one. Some help, right? All he finds is another one.”

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"Этаж смерти" with W_cat

"Этаж смерти" with W_cat

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“That’s Mrs. Kliner,” he said. “You don’t know the Kliners?”

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Next to my hip, the fax machine started beeping and whirring. A sheet of thin paper fed itself in.

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But he just backed off and turned and hustled over to his dirty Ford. The bus roared in and blew dust all over me. I closed up the switchblade and put it back in my pocket. Jogged over to the Bentley and took off.

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“You confessed to something you didn’t do,” I said. “You asked for this.”

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Next person I saw was a cleaner. He moved into view outside our bars. This was a very old guy with a broom. An old black man with a fringe of snow-white hair. Bent up with age. Fragile like a wizened old bird. His orange prison uniform was washed almost white. He must have been eighty. Must have been inside for sixty years. Maybe stole a chicken in the Depression. Still paying his debt to society.

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