Цитата #452 из книги «"Этаж смерти" with W_cat»

We ate. Fish and rice. Friday food. Coffee in the Thermos. Hubble didn’t speak. He left most of the coffee for me. Score one for Hubble. I put the debris on the tray and the tray on the floor. Another three hours to waste. I tipped my chair back and put my feet up on the table. Not comfortable, but as good as I was going to get. A warm evening. September in Georgia.

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"Этаж смерти" with W_cat

"Этаж смерти" with W_cat

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“Keep him talking a while,” I said. “Give Roscoe a chance to phone in that number from the car.”

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He bent and picked up the sweater. Passed it to me. Leaned over and held it out. Didn’t want to get too close. I took the sweater and tossed it onto Hubble’s bunk.

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I nodded. His voice matched his bulk. It was a low rumble. It was what a brown bear would sound like if it learned to talk. I couldn’t tell how old the guy was. He was one of those big fit men whose peak years stretch on for decades. He nodded and moved away. Rested his giant frame against the counter.

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“FBI?” she said. She went paler still. “This is really serious, isn’t it?”

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“Take the mobile phone with you,” I called to her.

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