Цитата #1529 из книги «"Этаж смерти" with W_cat»

She nodded, vaguely. Then she moved away and leaned up near her back door. Looking out at her neat evergreen garden. I saw her go pale. She shuddered. The defenses crashed down. She pressed herself into the corner by the door. Tried to flatten herself onto the wall. Stared into space like she was seeing all the nameless horrors. Started crying like her heart was broken. I stepped over and held her tight. Pressed her against me and held her as she cried out the fear and the tension. She cried for a long time. She felt hot and weak. My shirt was soaked with her tears.

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"Этаж смерти" with W_cat

"Этаж смерти" with W_cat

Еще цитаты из книги «"Этаж смерти" with W_cat»

He was amazed. The sharp bird eyes locked in on me.

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“Maybe,” I said. Closed the door behind her.

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“So you figure you’re just a token?” I said. “That’s why Teale won’t make you chief?”

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He’d survived twenty years in Boston. He might survive this.

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He got to his feet and gave me a fussy gesture. Wanted me to join him at the window. We peered out together at the people on the street, seventeen floors down. He pointed at a guy in a suit, hurrying along the sidewalk.

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