Цитата #1768 из книги «"Этаж смерти" with W_cat»

“She’s got the damn mobile switched off,” I said.

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"Этаж смерти" with W_cat

"Этаж смерти" with W_cat

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“Paul Hubble?” Baker said. “Sure. He lives here, like you say, always has. Family man. Stevenson knows him, some kind of an in-law or something. They’re friendly, I think. Go bowling together. Hubble’s a banker. Some kind of a financial guy, you know, a big-shot executive type, works up in Atlanta. Some big bank up there. I see him around, time to time.”

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“Choice of what?” said the big guy. Blankly. Surprised.

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“So it happened Sunday morning?” I said.

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“His name was Stoller?” he said. “We’ve got him down as John Doe.”

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“Like a frenzy,” he said. “The guy looks like he was run over by a truck. Just about every bone is smashed. But the doctor says it happened after the guy was already dead. You’re a weird guy, Reacher, that’s for damn sure.”

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