Цитата #1033 из книги «"Этаж смерти" with W_cat»

“I want you to come home with me,” she said.

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"Этаж смерти" with W_cat

"Этаж смерти" with W_cat

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Then as Joe and I got older, we got moved around more. The Vietnam thing meant the military started shuffling people around the world faster and faster. Life became just a blur of bases. We never owned anything. We were only allowed one bag each on the transport planes.

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We left the wreck there. Drove back up to the station house. The desk sergeant was waiting for Finlay.

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He stopped for a long pull on his coffee. Took a bite of donut.

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I was walked toward the door. At the door we formed a single file. First Baker. Then the guy with the shotgun, walking backward, still with the big black barrel pointing at me. His nameplate said: Stevenson. He too was a medium white man in good shape. His weapon looked like a drainpipe. Pointing at my gut. Behind me were the backup guys. I was pushed through the door with a hand flat on my back.

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He glared at me again and left the room. Banged the heavy door. Baker reached over and stopped the recording machine. Walked me out of the office. Back to the cell. I went in. He followed and removed the handcuffs. Put them back on his belt. Stepped back out and closed the gate. Operated the lock. The electric bolts snicked home. He walked away.

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