Цитата #955 из книги «"Этаж смерти" with W_cat»

“Right,” I said. “About two hundred pounds, maybe.”

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"Этаж смерти" with W_cat

"Этаж смерти" with W_cat

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“What does Pluribus mean?” I asked him.

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He looked around. Then he looked straight at me.

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I stared at him. I was getting mad.

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I gave him Hubble’s address and he made a wide, slow turn, shoulder to shoulder across the county road. Headed back to town. We passed the firehouse and the police headquarters. The lot was empty. Roscoe’s Chevy wasn’t there. No cruisers. They were all out. Up at Hubble’s. We made the right at the village green and swung past the silent church. Headed up Beckman. In a mile I would see a cluster of vehicles outside number twenty-five. The cruisers with their light bars flashing and popping. Unmarked cars for Finlay and Roscoe. An ambulance or two. The coroner would be there, up from his shabby office in Yellow Springs.

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“Where’s the gun, Reacher?” Finlay said.

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