Цитата #1007 из книги «"Этаж смерти" with W_cat»

I nodded. I was wondering if my brother had been there.

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"Этаж смерти" with W_cat

"Этаж смерти" with W_cat

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This lot was pretty good. Pond Life. They lived up to their ironic name. The bass and the drums were big messy guys, lots of hair all over, fat and dirty. The guitar player was a small dark guy, not unlike old Stevie Ray himself. The same gappy grin. He could play, too. He had a black Les Paul copy and a big Marshall stack. Good old-fashioned sound. The loose heavy strings and the big pickups overloading the ancient Marshall tubes, giving that glorious fat buzzy scream you couldn’t get any other way.

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“Thank God we weren’t here last night,” she whispered.

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“I’m not a firearms expert,” he said. “But I’d vote for a twenty-two. Looks that small to me. I’d say we’re looking at soft-nose twenty-two-gauge shells. Take the first guy’s head, for example. Two small splintery entry wounds and two big messy exit wounds, characteristic of a small soft-nose bullet.”

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“They can tell all that from his fingerprints?” he said.

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He made another note. Thought for a while.

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