Цитата #761 из книги «"Этаж смерти" with W_cat»

“What about the dead guy?” I said. “Did you run his prints again?”

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"Этаж смерти" with W_cat

"Этаж смерти" with W_cat

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Baker came out of the office and walked over to my cell. Didn’t speak. Just unlocked the cage and gestured me out. I shrugged my coat tighter and left the newspaper with the big photographs of the president in Pensacola on the cell floor. Stepped out and followed Baker back into the rosewood office.

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“I travel by road,” I said. “Always by road. Walk a bit, and ride the buses. Sometimes trains. Always pay cash. That way there’s never a paper trail. No credit card transactions, no passenger manifests, nothing. Nobody could trace me. I never tell anybody my name. If I stay in a hotel, I pay cash and give them a made-up name.”

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I watched him go and turned to Roscoe.

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“Because I don’t want to work,” I said. “I worked thirteen years, got me nowhere. I feel like I tried it their way, and to hell with them. Now I’m going to try it my way.”

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“What about you?” I asked him. “What have you done to them liable to get yourself shot in the head?”

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