Цитата #896 из книги «"Этаж смерти" with W_cat»

“You’re assuming there were three assailants?” the doctor said.

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"Этаж смерти" with W_cat

"Этаж смерти" with W_cat

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“They came back too quickly for a negative result,” I said.

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“It’s deadly serious,” I said. “You need to get ready to leave right now.”

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“It’s part of the United States’ motto, right?” I said. “E Pluribus Unum. It means out of many, one. One nation built out of many former colonies.”

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“OK,” she said. “You need anything?”

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They knew I wasn’t their guy. They weren’t taking care. No care at all. Out there in the lobby I could have decked Baker and taken his revolver. No problem at all. I could have had his weapon off his belt before he hit the floor. I could have shot my way out of the station house and into a patrol car. They were all parked right out front. Keys in, for sure. I could have got out toward Atlanta before they organized effective opposition. Then I could have disappeared. No problem at all. But I just went into their bathroom.

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